language = strtolower(substr($_GET['language'],0,2)); if (!strstr('de,en,us,uk,jp', $this->language)) $this->language = 'en'; $_SESSION['language'] = $this->language; } else { if ($_SESSION['language'] <> '') { $this->language = substr($_SESSION['language'],0,2); } else { $this->language = $this->browserLanguage(); $_SESSION['language'] = $this->language; } } // URL-Parameter $this->referer = t3lib_div::_GET('referer'); $this->sharelink = ''.$this->referer; $this->filepath = '/home/fileserver/www-files/okayfreedom/'.$this->referer.'/okayfreedom_setup.exe'; $this->downloadlink = ''.$this->referer.'/okayfreedom_setup.exe'; // MySQL-Verbindung aufbauen @mysql_connect($typo_db_host, $typo_db_username, $typo_db_password); @mysql_select_db($typo_db); $this->showHeader(); // ini_set('display_errors',1); if (!file_exists($this->filepath)) { @shell_exec('ssh steganos@www1 "cd ~/osslsigncode/bin/ && ./ '.$this->referer.'"'); // @shell_exec("ssh steganos@www1 osslsigncode/bin/ ".$this->referer); } $this->showBody(); // MySQL-Verbindung schliessen @mysql_close(); } function showHeader() { print ' OkayFreedom '; } function showBody() { print '



'; //$this->showFooter(); print '
'; } function showFooter() { require_once('/home/steganos/okayfreedom2012/footer.php'); } function browserLanguage() { $accepted_language = $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']; // fallback language $language = 'en'; if (strtolower(substr($accepted_language, 0, 4)) == 'en-GB') { $language = 'uk'; } elseif (strtolower(substr($accepted_language, 0, 2)) == 'de') { $language = 'de'; } // print "BROWSERLANGUAGE RAN - SET TO ".$language."\n"; return $language; } function getLL($key) { // EN $localization['en']['downloadbutton'] = 'button_main_download_en.png'; $localization['en']['langcode'] = 'en-US'; $localization['en']['claim_header'] = 'You have been invited to OkayFreedom'; $localization['en']['claim_body'] = 'OkayFreedom unblocks websites free for you. Automatically.'; $localization['en']['features_1'] = 'Access websites blocked in your country'; $localization['en']['features_2'] = 'Use all of your favorite websites when abroad'; $localization['en']['features_3'] = 'Access the web securely – even in public hotspots'; $localization['en']['features_4'] = 'Surf the Net anonymously'; $localization['en']['features_5'] = 'Protect your privacy on the internet'; $localization['en']['how_header'] = 'How does OkayFreedom VPN work?'; $localization['en']['how_body'] = 'Upset when you can\'t view a video online? With our VPN-service OkayFreedom this problem is now history. But OkayFreedom VPN is also the right choice when you just want to prevent someone from following your traces on the internet. OkayFreedom VPN recognizes whether content, videos and entire websites are restricted in your country and automatically directs you over a server which enables you to view the content.'; // DE $localization['de']['downloadbutton'] = 'button_main_download.png'; $localization['de']['langcode'] = 'de-DE'; $localization['de']['claim_header'] = 'Du wurdest zu OkayFreedom eingeladen!'; $localization['de']['claim_body'] = 'OkayFreedom schaltet gesperrte Websites für Dich frei. Automatisch.'; $localization['de']['features_1'] = 'Schalte gesperrte Videos automatisch frei'; $localization['de']['features_2'] = 'Nutze auch aus dem Ausland all Deine Lieblings-Webseiten'; $localization['de']['features_3'] = 'Surfe unter "falscher Flagge"'; $localization['de']['features_4'] = 'Entscheide über welchen Server Du online gehst'; $localization['de']['features_5'] = 'Schütze Deine Privatsphäre im Internet'; $localization['de']['how_header'] = 'Wie funktioniert OkayFreedom VPN?'; $localization['de']['how_body'] = 'Ärgerst du dich auch, wenn du mal wieder ein Video nicht schauen kannst? Mit unserem VPN-Dienst OkayFreedom ist das jetzt vorbei. Aber auch wenn du einfach verhindern willst, dass jemand deine Bewegungen im Internet verfolgt, ist OkayFreedom die richtige Wahl. OkayFreedom erkennt ob Inhalte, Videos und ganze Webseiten in Deinem Land gesperrt sind und leitet Dich automatisch auf einen Server um, über den die Inhalte aufrufbar sind.'; if (isset($localization[$this->language][$key])) { return $localization[$this->language][$key]; } else { if (isset($localization['en'][$key])) { return $localization['en'][$key]; } else { return '*'; } } } } $getReferer = new getReferer(); ?>